

Posted by Lordon on May 11, 2020

It’s about one week ago, I made a brilliant decision to prepare an English dictionary for myself by watching 《Man vs wild》 on bilibili. We all know that this kind of is hard for me or someone who have little pations. Of course the last update of my notebook is May 10, and today is May 13…

  • January
    • At school Just prepare ppt and playing.I wondered when can I go home and waiting for it crazy for a long time.
    • At home Spring Festival~ Congratulations!
  • Feb
    • Playing computer games happily with Lin Lin.
    • Enjoy the game: Don't starve together!
  • March
    • Learn how to use Blender to model brilliant things.good to go!
  • April
    • Loading the model in gazebo and control it use keyboard.
    • Fine-tune the LSTM network for the state estimate of UAV.
  • May
    • ResNet50 for detecte the dense of people in the video and pics.but we have to change Torch to Paddle
      • YoloV3 and ResNet for the classification of traffic lights.
      • First publish day we got 88.9degres,It’s seems like we are in trouble in following days.
      • We fixed bugs in visually.py , we will admit issues after this match.
      • After we put the pictures in test/ in train/, We arrived a new milestone but still can’t reach 90.9 either.
    • Major in 《mechine learning》of Zhihua Zhou, but it’s more difficult than I intented.
    • Finished reading 《大话数据结构》
    • Finished reading 《Practical Vim》
    • Waiting for the concert of Mayday the last day! Cheers!
  • June
    • Use DQN and Q-learning to make maps to guide the UAV to the destination.
    • Try to combine the ‘State Transition’ model and ‘MC-tree search tree’ algorithm.
  • July
    • Finish Gejiao robot.
  • September
    • New start!
    • Try CNN and LSTM to train a model to estimate the state of UAV. It’s terrible!
    • Come to secret room.
    • Propare the Few-shot learning and Zhuanli.
  • Octorber
    • Finished the patent and submited it
    • Started to learn the exam of civil service.
    • Want to know whether is right or not to do these things, but I find nowadays I am becoming more casual.